Sunday, October 14, 2012

Jaxon and Jett, Canaan, NH

The boys are doings so well!! They are HUGE! About 20 pounds each at this point. Jett has definitely caught up to Jaxon. They have such different personalities but are both wonderful. Jett has turned out to be our little devil dog! The first one up and the last to bed, and he climbs fences!  We are thinking they are actually coon hounds.... they look so much like them and act like them too! Every day that goes by I think less and less that they are dobie or rottie... and they are nose to the ground, hunting crazy! 

They adore each other and would be so lost without each other so we made the right choice!!  They will be going on Wednesday of this week to get their final distemper and second lyme vaccines. Then hopefully we can stay away from the vet until next year! They are taking heartguard and K9 Advantix from home each month as well.

Thanks again, and I hope all is well for you.